I can even remember having lunch
with her and having her slip her boots on for meetings afterwards if they were
out at barn or farm… little did they know she really was more “Grits &
Grace” than “Boots & Burlap.” She’d eventually
retire those boots and fully showcase her inner “Charleston Roots.” She truly was our Southern Bell who loved her
sweet tea & pimento cheese anything!
She graduated about 7 years after
me at UNCG, and although she was younger…she
was far beyond her years in
wisdom. She inspired so many throughout
the wedding community. I always asked
her to come and speak to my class at UNCG because she showed that you COULD
succeed after graduating… she’d always share her story how she worked several
part-time jobs while starting her business and then finally got to where she
could work less and less. “Leigh, I hear
you in my ear RIGHT NOW! I’m focusing more and more on our company and working
less and less with my part-time gigs.”
She always pushed me to go solo and only do my company. She always told me I should charge what I’m
worth and never settle for less. She’d
always say to JUST BE YOU and YOUR clients will hire you because of YOU. And she’s never been more right. The more I showcase our designs, our style
and our personalities…the more couples LOVE US!
I can also hear her in my ear every time I post: Give credit to every
vendor in that photo! And we’d have long
debates about inspiration photos off of Pinterest vs creating a style shoot
that’s all your idea… And I’d do anything to have one of those debates RIGHT
NOW!!! Don’t worry Leigh, all the photos in this post were taken with my crappy
camera phone lol!
This past Saturday morning, my
day was rocked after receiving news that one of my friends and mentors had
passed. Like many, I quickly questioned
the information, Googled, searched, called and emailed to verify…. I went
through every emotion I could…shock, questioning, and then numb for most of the
day. How could someone so incredible be
taken so soon when she had so much left to do…. But then again Leigh did more
in the few short years she was on this Earth than most do in a lifetime. She enriched so many lives, impacted the
wedding and event industry to strive and be better through networking, not to
mention the numerous memories she created for couples, families and
friendors. I can remember grabbing
dinner one night last year after speaking to my class and how much she would
push me to inspire others. So Leigh, I’m
gonna do just that!
This is the part that gets
difficult and hard… How do you say goodbye to someone that has impacted your
life so much and in so many ways?
You DON’T! I refuse to actually. Instead, I’m telling myself she WON the
BIGGEST client… GOD just needed a kickass Party Planner up in Heaven… so Leigh,
hold my RSVP, I’ve got to go out and do as you told me too and inspire others a little more! I’m going to do my best to be at your service…
but honestly I don’t know how to say goodbye to someone who forever changed me,
inspired me and encouraged me to be the best version of me. So I may only make it the parking lot but
know you are forever in my heart. May
tea be a little sweeter up there and may peonies forever be in season…and when
the sweet tea ain’t hitting it…. May they have slushy bubbly easily accessible!
I would love to ask friends,
family and friendors to donate their love and support to:
The world will forever be changed
since you embraced our presence…even if it was short lived! See you soon my sweet friend.