Saturday, October 8, 2016

In the “Eye of the Storm”

No couple wants to hear there is rain on their forecast let alone a size 4-5 hurricane making its way up the coast and heading straight for your party.  Bad weather is probably THE number 1 unwanted wedding crasher any planner or vendor wants on event day.  So how do you handle this scary predicament?  Today’s blog will go over a few event day planning tips and of course how to handle it as it becomes a reality…

1)    BUY event/wedding insurance the day after you book your venue.  Not only will this protect you if something major (or minor) goes wrong.  Plus you can’t purchase insurance within so many days of an event, especially if they have called for a state of emergency (like a hurricane/blizzard).  Each insurance has their own rules and guidelines so double check with you insurer to make sure you are covered in time and that you’ve purchased all of the correct policies.  Here’s a list of a few places to research:



2)   If you are getting married in the “rainy” season or during hotter/colder temperatures you may want to consider pre-reserving tents, heaters and/or coolant fans.  Talk to your rental company to ask about all of their rules and guidelines for cut off for full/final payment and/or deposit holds.  If you wait until the forecast is given, so is everyone else and those items may not be available in your area and you may have to pay premium prices to have them brought in from out of town or state.

3)   Work with you vendors and venue to have a solid back up plan.  Our company traditionally has a minimum of 3 “plan of actions” when it comes to weather and serious issues.  We have our:

a.    original dream plan

b.    plan B still tries to keep the integrity of the original plan but with small adjustments

c.    Plan C is the worst case scenero….no couple likes this option but sometimes you have to do what is best for the safety and health of your guests, protections of vendor’s equipment and respect of the venue hosting the event.

d.    Little does our clients know but we usually have a few other ideas and options in mind just in case anything shifts along during the set-up of the day.
(photo courtesy of waterhouse studios)

4)   Last but not least…embrace it.  Don’t stress, cry nor lose sleep over it!  None of us can truly predict what will happen, all we can do is Pray/Hope for the BEST, PLAN for the worst and embrace what is…

a.    Buy rain boots and cute umbrellas to take cute photos

b.    Search for rainbows once the storm passes by

c.    Plan for parking services (valet) to park cars so guests can remain dry

d.    Dance in the rain

e.    Plan a trash the dress session if possible

I could sugar coat it and say “It’s good luck for it to rain on your wedding day” or that
a wet knot is a tight knot…(AND THEY ARE!!!) but realistically all we really can do is tell you to prepare and remember you’ve hired an all-star professional team to handle all of the logistics and what ifs. I know this blog may not assist those going through the big storm this weekend but hopefully it will prepare future couples still planning.  No matter what happens on your wedding day… you’ll still be married at the end of the day! 

Many thoughts and prayers go out to the families, friends, and vendors who are in the eye of the of the storm this weekend.  May each one of you have a strong game plan and make beautiful memories no matter what. 

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