Friday, May 19, 2017

Raving about Rave

Hey! My name is Raven but call me Rave for short. I am originally from Charleston, South Carolina. I moved to Charlotte, NC, in 2006, and I currently reside in Greensboro, NC. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) brought me to the triad region where I have begun to develop an amazing network of friends and colleagues. This spring was my last semester of intense coursework in which I also gave birth to my baby girl Rhea. It was definitely a challenge finishing school and having my first child. But I am so proud of her and she is truly my testimony that proves I can do anything I put my heart into.

 I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work alongside Jenn and the entire KYAE staff. I believe the best way to elevate yourself in any field, profession, hobby, or personal goal is to learn from those before you. What better way than to gain from someone who is already successful in the exact thing it is that you want to do? I want to learn as much as my brain’s storage capacity can allow (LOL). Most importantly for me is learning how to adapt to various situations and a diversity of people. The technical part of event planning (booking vendors, design, schedules i.e.) can be mastered but customer service will always present a new challenge. I am excited about becoming culturally competent; becoming aware of different people and different interest. This is my hope for my future in event planning. Right now I am taking in all of the knowledge, gaining the experience and just keeping an open mind; so that one day I’ll have you RAVING about my events!

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