Wednesday, September 12, 2018

First Dance With Florence

We are honored that Natalie from #FOX8 called us earlier today to check in and see how we are handling #Florence… especially since she interviewed me during Hurricane Irma last year exactly the SAME weekend…. I told her we’re planning for worst, hoping for the best and we’ll see what Florence gives us to work with as she gets closer.  Same as last year one of our wedding party members is from the location of the hurricane… last year it was a groomsmen from Florida; this year one of our bridesmaids has an ocean front house on the NC coast…so leaving and not knowing what you may or may not return is scary!   Wanna really know the #lifeofaplanner:

It's been a busy week...

ü  All last weekend we watched the news updates closely as Florence inched her way to NC coastline...

ü  Monday starting around 6:45am we began contacting vendors and making plans for options to move our once planned outdoor wedding to an indoor magical intimate affair (which is going to be STUNNING!)

ü  Monday at noon spoke to our bride about all of our options with vendors for her approval... She was moved by how we came together as a team and she knew she didn't need to worry about the professional team

ü  Tuesday around the storm shifts once again... we felt it was smarter to make sure everyone traveled to & from the venue in daylight so we decided to move the wedding from 5pm to 2pm...

ü  Tuesday we worked to ensure all vendors could shift times without any issues... the flexibility of our team is AMAZING!

ü  Tuesday evening... our couple personally contacts each and every guests letting them know of the changes.... out of 125 guests.... ALL LOVED the idea of the new time, only 4 are no longer able to come due to flights, 6 are waiting until Friday to decide.... #theshowmustgoon (as my bride posted)

ü  Wednesday...It looks like Florence is Wobbling into SC first then possibly heading back to NC… so we’re still keeping our eyes on her but we’ve sent final schedules out to all of our vendors and printing our copies for the weekend….just in case we lose power (fingers cross we don’t)

ü  Thursday- We moved all of our deliveries for Thursday to avoid any issues if things shift again…we’ll be watching Florence to see what her path looks like for Saturday BUT ALSO Sunday early morning because we are

also handling our sweet couple’s Sandals Honeymoon in Jamaica.  So we’ve got to see if we need to switch flights from Charlotte to Greensboro or Raleigh.  Time will only tell because no one really knows what exactly when, where and/or how bad.

ü  Friday- we’re looking forward to a beautiful rehearsal and the kickoff for a great wedding weekend!  We want to continue to keep everyone in our thoughts and prayers as we are impacted with what’s yet to come.  #StaySafe

ü  Saturday…. It’s Wedding Day…. And they will get their #FirstdancewithFlorence

ü  Sunday…fly off to paradise!

It’s been a busy week and we’ve not only been handling this wedding but we’ve been preparing our home & our office for Florence and any aftermath of hers… here’s our look at our safety checklist we completed earlier today:

We just set a plan for the week:

ü  Move all patio cushions into garage (this allows wind to move through furniture)

ü  Move smaller loose furniture to garage

ü  Clear all patio furniture to edges of fence in backyard

ü  Cut back tree branches

ü  Bring flags & wind chimes in

ü  Fill gas tanks in cars

ü  Fill propane tank on grill

ü  Pick up 2-3 cases of water, snacks,  and batteries

ü  Take photos of each room of the house and save/store online

ü  Charge all cell phones, tablets and laptops

ü  Wash laundry by thurs night

ü  Wash dishes by thurs night

ü  Get extra-large zip lock bags and extra trash bags and cleaning supplies

ü  Make sure your bills/payments are out on the mail by Tuesday...

ü  Update vendors-moving wedding inside

ü  Print all wedding schedules by thurs am

ü  Back up info on iCloud and zip drives

ü  Print all school assignments and readings

ü  get ahead on all assignments and readings

ü  On top of everything, we’re also preparing to fly out to Sandals to tour Barbados next week so we’re watching the tropics for Isaac and we’ve gotta pack for that too!

*praying we don't need any of these... and all of these supplies could be used if we don't... but they are comparing this to Hugo, Fran, and other major storms

If you didn’t think that was enough…we’ve got another couple honeymooning in Jamaica currently and they’ve been giving me day by day Beautiful Sunny updates…

If this blog doesn’t share with you thousands of reasons WHY you should hire a FULL PROFESSIONAL team… then just ask the dozens of DIY couples that have already canceled their big day this weekend because they couldn’t remain calm and handle the chaos.  Florence keeps telling me the “storm” is coming… what she doesn’t know is “I AM THE STORM” & a force to be reckoned with…  our ultimate goal is focus on what’s the most important part of this entire weekend… to have our couple leave for their honeymoon married and full of magical memories!  I am determined to make it happen~

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